Sunday, May 2, 2010

Boating at Mini seashore Vashi

Boating have restarted in MiniSeashore Vashi after long time...
Mini sea shore has been beutified and boats are of new types....
There has been seperate section to children ride boat alone...
Charges are bit high this time but it looks service should be good
Pedal Boat/Couple - Rs 100 for 20 min
Pedal Boat/Family - Rs 150 for 20 min
Schooter/Child below 9 Yrs - Rs 75 for 10 min
Schooter/Child below 9 Yrs - Rs 100 for 10 min


  1. Hey deepak..
    Could please give me directions to this place..
    and also if there are any timings !!!
    Thank You

  2. In the 1950s and 1960s, many people from China went to HK with their money to escape the civil unrest in China. Yachts for sale in Cyprus


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