A 27-year-old
Nuriya Yusuf Ahluwalia, crashed her Honda
Qualis belonging to the traffic police, a motorcycle and a taxi. Several people got injured and two died. Woman was driving drunk. She has been arrested.
There had been several instances in past when some drunk driver lost control on his/her vehicle and killed some people on the street. Drunk driving is being treated as serious offence as I got news their is plan to implement approx 6 month jail as punishment on people caught drunk while driving.
If you really recollect recently a 9 year old Russian girl was attempted to rape by one Indian at Goa beach. Police arrested two people, and these people accepted that they were under influence of liquor. If you actually see these people had no previous criminal record and are one of us.
And actually you pickup few criminal activities in past like rape & murder, not all but many of them were either carried by drunk people or somewhere related with drinking.
Like few months back a US national girl was gang rapped while she was drunk and was not in her sense.
So putting controls over drunk driving is enough or
actual root problem is with drinking itself, where there is no talk or intention to ban it. Drinking
culture is growing in our country, so these kind of issues. If a drunk person is not able to control his self and how you can accept from him to take a wise decision like weather he should drive or not.
I don't think all people loose control after drinking, then why other goes that way. In defence and army the drinking is a culture but their bar has limit on drinking like people in bar one
can't have more them 3 pegs. Is it sensible to think about controlling drink therefore a person is allowed to drink at certain limit only?